wasm-ffi examples

with Rust & --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown

Compiling Rust to WebAssembly

The wasm32 target is available now in nightly and soon to be in stable. You can build a project with it using cargo's target flag:
cargo build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown

This will build a .wasm module in the target folder, so you'll probably want to move a copy of it out after each build:
cp ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/example.wasm ...

In order to make a Rust function accessible from a WebAssembly module you need to make it public (pub) and annotate it with #[no_mangle]. You also need to set your crate type to cdylib in your Cargo.toml.

A couple tips depending on what version of rust you are using:

  • There is bug where you get WebAssembly memory crashes on unoptimized (debug) builds. It looks like the workaround for this is to build with a opt-level >= 2. You can set this for debug builds in your Cargo.toml.
    (This will get fixed eventually)
  • Set env. variable RUSTFLAGS=-C debuginfo=2 when building with --release if you want to retain debuging info / have better error stack traces.

If you want more examples dealing with foreign function interfaces in Rust, check out the Rust FFI Omnibus. Its a good resource that goes in detail about the Rust side of things.

pub fn add(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
a + b
crate-type = ["cdylib"]
path = "./main.rs"
opt-level = 2

Warning: Memory Leaks

These examples aren't trying to prevent leaks, so when you actually go do something, remember to free memory.

More about how wasm-ffi handles memory in the readme.

Loading .wasm modules

To load a .wasm module, you need to fetch it from the server and then load it with WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming . You can do that yourself or wasm-ffi will do it with .fetch(url).

import { Wrapper } from 'wasm-ffi';
// WebAssembly function you want to wrap will go here
const library = new Wrapper({
// do_thing: [return_type, [arg_type_1. arg_type_2]]
library.fetch('main.wasm').then(() => {
// library is now loaded and you can call your wrapped WebAssembly functions:
// library.do_thing()
.wasm Requirements

wasm-ffi can read data from WebAssembly memory without any changes to your module. You can read strings, read struct fields, modify existing struct fields, etc.

If your JavaScript needs to allocate any memory (passing strings, making structs) you need to expose allocate & deallocate functions.

// these are crafty way to malloc/free in stable rust:
pub fn allocate(length: usize) -> *mut c_void {
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(length);
let ptr = v.as_mut_ptr();
pub fn deallocate(ptr: *mut c_void, length: usize) {
unsafe {
std::mem::drop(Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr, 0, length));

The format for wrapping functions is:
functionName: [returnType, [...argTypes]]

Ex: the say function takes a string pointer and returns a string pointer: ['string', ['string']]

// wrap our exported C function `say`:
const library = new Wrapper({
say: ['string', ['string']],
library.fetch('main.wasm').then(() => {
// call `say` on btn click:
$('#say-hello').addEventListener('click', () => {

wasm-ffi supports ArrayBuffers & TypedArrays as an argument type. It will write the arrays to memory and pass the pointer to your .wasm function.

By default the array will be freed after the function returns.

// wrap `get_sum` function: 2 arguments, array pointer & array length
const library = new Wrapper({
get_sum: ['number', ['array', 'number']],
// ...
$('#get-sum').addEventListener('click', () => {
const arr = new Uint32Array([1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21]);
const sum = library.get_sum(arr, arr.length);
$('#sum-log').innerText = `Sum of ${arr} is: ${sum}`;

A Pointer object encapsulates a reference to wasm memory.

  • .ref(): get memory address
  • .deref(): get data
  • .set(value): set pointers value
  • .free(): free from wasm memory

Create a new pointer with new Pointer(type, value).

import { types, Pointer } from 'wasm-ffi';
const library = new Wrapper({
get_pointer: [types.pointer('uint32')],
pass_pointer: ['number', [types.pointer('uint32')]],
// ...
$('#get-pointer').addEventListener('click', () => {
const ptr = library.get_pointer();
$('#pointer-log').innerText = `Value ${ptr.deref()} is located @ ${ptr.ref()}`;
$('#pass-pointer').addEventListener('click', () => {
const ptr = new ffi.Pointer('uint32', 365);
const value = library.pass_pointer(ptr);
$('#pointer-log').innerText = `Wasm read ${value} from the pointer you sent`;

wasm-ffi wraps struct pointers into objects that let you access fields.

To use a struct you first have to define a struct type. The order of the properties should be the same as your Rust definition. Use this struct definition in your wrapped function signatures. (Remember to use #[repr(C)])

You can get the memory address of a struct with .ref() and you can free it from memory with .free()

import { Struct } from 'wasm-ffi';
// define a new struct type: Person
const Person = new Struct({
name: 'string',
age: 'uint8',
favorite_number: 'uint32',
const library = new Wrapper({
get_person: [Person],
person_facts: ['string', [Person]],
// ...
$('#get-person').addEventListener('click', () => {
const p = library.get_person();
const about = `${p.name} is ${p.age}. His favorite number is ${p.favorite_number}.`;
$('#person-log').innerText = about;
$('#modify-person').addEventListener('click', () => {
// modify the properties of a struct:
const p = library.get_person();
p.age = 255;
p.favorite_number = 100;
$('#person-log').innerText = `New age: ${p.age}\n`;
$('#person-log').innerText += `New favorite: ${p.favorite_number}\n`;
$('#person-log').innerText += library.person_facts(p);
Structs: creating from JavaScript

A struct definition (like above) is also a constructor you can use to make new structs from JS. Any struct made in JS will get written to memory the first time it is used in a WebAssembly function.

const Person = new Struct({
name: 'string',
age: 'uint8',
favorite_number: 'uint32',
// ...
$('#make-person').addEventListener('click', () => {
const name = $('#name').value;
const age = parseInt($('#age').value);
const num = parseInt($('#num').value);
const person = new Person({
name: name,
age: age,
favorite_number: num,
$('#make-log').innerText = library.person_facts(person);
Calling JS functions from Rust

To call a JS function from Rust you need to import the JS function into your wasm module. These functions need to be placed in the env namespace.

// `barrel_roll` will call the `rotate` function below
const library = new Wrapper({
barrel_roll: [], // no arguments
// this needs to be done before `library.fetch('main.wasm')`
env: {
rotate: function() {
// ...
$('#barrel-roll').addEventListener('click', () => {
Import wrapping

You can also wrap imported functions using the same notation as with a Wrapper. The last argument is the function to wrap. This will convert the inputs and outputs of the function to the right types.

// `multiply_input` will call `get_input_value` below:
const library = new Wrapper({
multiply_input: ['number', ['string']],
// change imports to a callback to expose the wrap fn
// (remember to return an object here with the extra parenthesis: `({ ... })`)
library.imports(wrap => ({
env: {
// ...
// `get_input_value` takes a string and returns a number
get_input_value: wrap(['number', ['string']], (selector) => {
return parseInt($(selector).value);
// ...
$('#multiply').addEventListener('click', () => {
// gets the <input>.value and multiplies it by 2
var number = library.multiply_input('body #number');
$('#multiply-log').innerText = `Result: ${number}`;